New Dreams in a New Year

The Oakwood Inn is a Select Registry Bed and Breakfast Inn located in Okoboji near Spirit Lake.

Happy New Year! 

I don’t know if there’s ever been a start to a new year where the world collectively took a deep breath . . .ahhh…. Welcome 2021!! 

First and foremost, Bill and I are grateful for our continued good health and our business surviving the uncertainty of the last year. We were grateful to see many of our regular guests, as well as many new visitors who took advantage of our relaxing outdoor spaces and in-room breakfast service.

Front lobby after counter removed

Secondly, this new year has significance for us as we will celebrate the completion of our fifth year in business as The Oakwood Inn! It is unbelievable that just 5 years ago we saw the property for the first time and began to dream of what could be. 

Both Bill and I are dreamers. As dreamers, six years ago in Texas, Bill and I dared to dream of what path our lives could take if we moved back to the upper Midwest and open a bed and breakfast inn. The fact we both shared the same dream made the second step easy. We developed a business plan and put it into action. And then we adapted our plan . . . and adapted our plan . . . and adapted our plan. To say we have learned a lot is an understatement! And here we are five years later – and still learning. We wouldn’t have it any other way! The Oakwood Inn truly makes us proud to be small business owners.

I’m not really into New Year’s resolutions. However, I do celebrate the change of year by dreaming of all the possibilities, making plans for what’s ahead, and implementing each one of them (my favorite!).  

A peek into what we are dreaming of for 2021 includes renovating the lobby (we’ve already removed the buffet counter!) and turning it into a more relaxing space (imagine soft furniture, accent lighting and a new sound system). Of course we have plans for our expansive gardens which includes many springtime projects – and possibly an outdoor fireplace. (If you’ve seen the changes we’ve made over the years, you know we love adding ambience to the gardens! A popular place where we’ve hosted lovely wedding ceremonies and family reunions.)Bill on the ladder removing window moulding, Bridget's dad assisting

This last year has reminded us to be grateful for our family, friends and good health. We have learned to innovate in the face of challenge and unconditionally support others in the face of uncertainty. Even though we anticipate challenges ahead with this pandemic, Bill and I continue to dream. And that’s what I love about this time of year. 

The possibilities. And the future. A blank slate yet to be written. 

Breathing deeply . . . Every Day!